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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/15 in all areas

  1. ImTriggerHappy

    High Cap Mags

    Unless you prefer high caps or low caps or a drum mag or even poking people with a stick. Nothing is better nothing is worse its all about how you want to play.
    3 points
  2. Sitting Duck

    CQB injuries

    That wasn't in a game - that was his ex when she found out how much he REALLY spent on guns
    3 points
  3. Colonel Kurtz

    CQB injuries

    Is that spread out across time or what it took to eventually stop you on one rampage lol
    3 points
  4. n1ckh

    CQB injuries

    I bet Mrs duck wasn't to happy not having her giggle stick to play with for a few days lol But damn right are men the only ones who fully understand how painful it can be On an exercise, I was having a piss near some electric fence to which my mate thought it funny to knock me So you can all guess what happened next & it fucking hurt like a bitch
    3 points
  5. Esoterick

    CQB injuries

    This bit really made me laugh although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. That's a signature worthy quote.
    3 points
  6. Colonel Kurtz

    CQB injuries

    i started about a foot away when going round the corner but the other guy was right on the corner with barrel raised, him being a foot back would indeed prob made the difference! My only solace is he didn't seem to enjoy having someone knock him over/ fall on top him while moaning and holding their cock either
    3 points
  7. Esoterick

    CQB injuries

    Got shot in the cock from a couple of metres away, broke the skin and had a pretty bad bruise for a couple of weeks. It was actually quite funny though and the guy apologised and we laughed about it after I stopped hopping around. I now stand side on if i'm covering a doorway or similar.
    3 points
  8. Happy

    CQB injuries

    Been shot in both testicles, several blood blisters, broken two fingers on my left hand and probably some more injuries I can't remember.
    2 points
  9. ImTriggerHappy

    CQB injuries

    Not clumsy just part of the fun in playing at the mall.
    2 points
  10. The WAS fairy just took a dump on my desk. 2 quick mags with pistol mag pouch and 2 90 round mag pouches. Small utility pouch is coming end of the week too.
    2 points
  11. me too lol - what felt like a reverse passing of a kidney stone. guess wear a box/cup or don't jump round a corner at standing height while someones crouching on the other side.
    2 points
  12. Hurt my neck and shoulder muscles by running headfirst into a fire door in the pitch black. Bruised shoulder, elbow and ribs falling down stairs. Lots if scars on both arms from playing in a short sleeve top. Still cant bend my little finger 9 days after being shot in it, so god knows what I have done that. Think it might be time I slowed down a bit.
    2 points
  13. cyrexx

    CQB injuries

    I got shot in the "Tip" and folded over like a cardboard box, they had to stop the game and I to pretty much had crawl out the arena, I inspected the damage and it was not pretty. I know make sure everything is well protected.
    2 points
  14. Colonel Kurtz

    Face masks

    Saw someone get a tooth shot in half on my first ever skirmish, pointed me away from comfort/vanity/laziness to full face safety lol. Still manage to get shot on the head every-time tho, always a mm gap somewhere that seems to have some kind of BB magnetism as far as my luck is concerned!
    2 points
  15. All this talk is of moot point anyway, Managed to try one out, as I was genuinely considering buying one. Won't cycle with a KJ Green mag, slide is too heavy. CO2 mag, even after bleeding off the first few shots of gas, was doing 375fps in a 20 degree room. Not Skirmishable.
    2 points
  16. sp00n


    this is incredibly generic first and foremost you need to establish internal or external 1)internal mods are the ones you cannot see that effects how your weapon works 2)external mods affect how you interface with your weapon, ergonomics and cosmetics Then comes role :- 1)assault 2)support 3)sniper 4)other Then comes method of delivery :- 1)electric 2)gas 3)spring 4)HPA (though you could argue that it comes under gas) then finally comes weapon type 1)pistol 2)rifle 3)LMG 4)other so whats the best upgrade of them all ...... knowledge go play a few games, have fun try a few play styles ... see what floats your boat EDIT:- the way i treat mods is :- 1)try the gun, identify its strengths and weaknesses 2)form a plan as to what is most important to you (i always choose ergonomics first, no point being uncomfortable etc, then user friendly etc) 3)research, see what can/cannot be done, see what others have done etc 4)consider buying the gun ... or alternatives etc for example, i knew every little issue i could find out before i bought my tippmann, i joined every face book group, read every review i could etc etc, now i have got everything i need now to sort its hop issue (its not bad atm, i just want to make it better), i just need to try/test/adjust etc as for the exterior, that's sorted with my own style rail covers, a foregrip, and a raised 556 sight. The best mods i have ever fitted are :- 1)better bb's!!! (eg. 0.2's are good, 0.25's are better ) 2)foregrip (relieves wrist pain) 3)holosight or any sight (much better then iron sights) 4)RIS covers (it protects you rails/gun)
    2 points
  17. Lozart

    High Cap Mags

    This^ Oh the irony.....
    1 point
  18. Cold3lit3

    High Cap Mags

    This ^ Midcaps are so much better. They feed better, don't rattle and best of all it makes you use a cool little button now and again that drops your mag out of the well. It's really fun to do
    1 point
  19. GingerBreadMan


    From mr monkey nuts:
    1 point
  20. TheGrover

    CQB injuries

    I got a right good welt once. I moved up to a friendly on a corner who was taking fire, after assessing the situation I made a plan for us both to step out and suppress a target each so I could move in and get the pressure off. As I stepped out I put my head in front of the friendlys gun... Three inches in front . The following bb hit me right on the back of the jaw, just behind the jawbone in the fleshy neck... There was much swearing
    1 point
  21. ImTriggerHappy

    CQB injuries

    Had it happen a few times I wear a full face mesh mask so its only to be expected. Bit of eyewash at site and sorted . I think at the end of the day if any of us was overly worried about getting hurt we wouldn't be running around like children shooting at each other with bb guns. Look between games in the safe zone how many people are proudly showing off their latest welt like its a badge of honour.
    1 point
  22. GoPro junior chesty, roll on fun times.
    1 point
  23. Bought some magazine shims for my KJ 226, yet to see if the £3 was worth it.
    1 point
  24. Happy

    CQB injuries

    Surprisingly enough, no haha. She spent way more on MTB bikes and gear than I ever would on Airsoft lol All my injuries were over the course of the last two years. The broken fingers was the worst since I had to ditch my rifle and run just pistol all day. I had paid my £35, I was determined to get my monies worth lol! (Though the ex really was pissed after that injury haha)
    1 point
  25. I had one similar and took it apart out of boredom, I'm assuming it's the same kind of mechanism. The adjustment works by the tiny laser being mounted on top of a spring loaded plastic bar, when you turn the screw in it pushes down on one end of the bar which like a see-saw moves the laser position. When you loosen the screw the spring provides the necessary force to push the laser back in the other direction. Mine didn't do left and right, guessing it's another bar to push it one direction, and the spring tension push it back in the other direction when the screw is loosened. You mention a spring being bent and the top being out of alignment, my guess is that it's all come loose/ out of position inside and the screw isn't making contact with the bar anymore. If the tops out of alignment then it's probably the springs/bars that have come out of position pushing it out from the inside. If it's possible to take apart (some of these type of RDS are just glued together) then hopefully you can put the bits into the right position. A bent spring shouldn't be too terminal, but if one these bars or similar has snapped inside them might be fooked. Can you post pics of this bent spring and the top bit?
    1 point
  26. n1ckh

    CQB injuries

    The clock tells a different story but we all have our perception of time Glad he was ok though & we can all certainly learn something from that
    1 point
  27. n1ckh

    CQB injuries

    Fuck me sideways he was lucky, at least you can still hear him breathing & he would've been royalty fooked being on his own I hope he was ok after that ?? And that's why a helmet is a good thing boys & girls
    1 point
  28. clumpyedge

    CQB injuries

    Had a BB go almost straight through the top of my ear at what was pretty much point blank, pissed with blood for about half an hour and then was ok but didn't even relize anything had happened until someone pointed out i was covered in claret
    1 point
  29. sp00n

    CQB injuries

    my first CQB game, i cut my hand and ended up with a nice bit of wood sticking out - i wear gloves now but i am always banging my head into low hanging stuff. worst i have seen is from a mates go pro, he forgot to duck when running along and hit his head on a beam, ended up on his back, he thought he was only down for a sec or 2 ... later footage revealed he was down for 20+ secs see 1:52 for the head strike etc https://youtu.be/5uancY8XMdI
    1 point
  30. Colonel Kurtz

    CQB injuries

    Lol I don't think i actually said 'hit' (one letter extra perhaps) or put my hand in the air
    1 point
  31. Sitting Duck

    CQB injuries

    LOL - yup I got shot in the ol' chap but first time I admitted because everyone says blimey he must have had a powerful scope cheeky bastids - got shot smack bang on it - think it was shaft rather than stingy ouchy bell end OK OK - FFS DUCK WAY TOO MUCH INFO AND PLEASE NO PICTURES OF ALL PLACES - at Epsom Tunnels in the gloomy darkness ffs - yes that tiny area - but not that tiny still if it had hit the balls/sack/bell-end that could of hurt a lot more just a little lower etc..... Only blokes understand the uncertain delicate area down there..... you can take a wallop in ya crutch and think - wow that ain't too bad then drop a reasonable light object in ya lap and be in absolute agony But yeah - JEEEZ FFS MATE - I said Sorry he said.... (F*cking will be next time you are in my sights I thought) but yeah it stung a bit but wasn't quite as bad as I was first expecting - man down, old chap down mayday mayday get some ice
    1 point
  32. Transparent I think is the least luminous and obvious of the possibilities. Gives you less choice in guns but its 3 games, its about saving some cash.
    1 point
  33. Do you have another RDS to compare the zeroing to at all? I only ask as with most RDS the zeroing is very slight compared to conventional sights, and when i first got one I mistakenly considered it not functional as it seemed to make no difference, i had to turn it pretty much from one extreme to the other to notice a difference. What make/model of RDS have you got? Prob required info for people to offer advice if it is a mechanical issue
    1 point
  34. Probably says "bright" blue on the spray can so they think "i'll blame the paint manufacturer if the govt complains". The list of colours is here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2007/2606/pdfs/uksi_20072606_en.pdf I have to wonder what bright purple looks like (on an IF) though?
    1 point
  35. Samurai


    If it's not broken, don't fix it. As Duck said, clean it, use proper BBs and you get the performance you can get from a gun.
    1 point
  36. TacMaster


    Depends on what aspect of your gun's performance you want to change.
    1 point
  37. TacMaster

    Advice on two tones

    There aren't any VCRA compliant colours which can be even slightly dark, even blue is technically a no-no but lots of manufacturers and retailers get away with it. Just cover your gun up with removable camo tape before a skirmish and take it off afterwards, camo or sniper tape is a non-permanent modification, making it legal under the VCRA.
    1 point
  38. It makes me laugh when people advertise anything as 'brand new but only used once' soon as you buy something, it's no longer brand new but 2nd hand
    1 point
  39. Mack

    Any football fans here?

    Come on you boys in green!!! Me at the Barcelona vs Celtic game couple of years back
    1 point
  40. Lozart

    Hello! From Surrey.

    Yes! Come on down. Hello by the way
    1 point
  41. Colonel Kurtz

    High Cap Mags

    Snobbery is all about thinking your way is best and the rest is just ignorant/unskilled. There's lots of it in air-soft, perhaps the need to appear professional/bad-ass is common due to essentially playing cowboys and indians as an adult fuels it. "Why don't you just use this pro tactic?" especially when accompanied by claims of being awesome in some manner, is one that can makes you want to violently disprove someones ego. But as mr trigger happy says this too is paradoxically (i wont use the word irony incorrectly for once) an act of snobbery because you want to correct them because you similarly think you are right. These days I try to find such things hilarious rather than irritating, poke fun rather than rant. Possibly more arrogant, but definitely more enjoyable for all. Samurai got it perfectly, one best things i've read on these forums tbh, shame there isn't a 'super-like' button or something. There's many styles/ways to play and until they make a compulsory UK airsoft league then the only way to quantify success is by the amount of enjoyment. As for 'shoot when you know you can hit' and 'why use high rof', that doesn't help the rooms full of guys in full camo gear when i burst through the doorway they came in through and thanks to 25rps shoot them all before they've started returning fire (a best-case scenario usually ending somewhere in between and me getting shot by 5 people at once after taking out 2-3 of them, assuming i've even made it into the room). But it probably helps them a lot when playing woodland and they've just spotted opp players moving in the distance. Time and a place for everything, as we all seem to agree there's no universal standard or situation
    1 point
  42. Well, every game at The Mall lasts a different amount of time. I can check my recordings, but I often will stop recording if gameplay is boring, and start it again when it picks back up.
    1 point
  43. Lozart

    GoPro Newbie, Help!!

    SanDisk would be my recommendation too. I use them in my camcorder (HD Sony jobber) and they're great if a little more pricey. Pixmania usually have the best prices.
    1 point
  44. Ophis

    GoPro Newbie, Help!!

    GoPro's from 3 and upwards are temperamental little things when it comes to what Mirco SD Card's they like. First rule of thumb is to avoid ALL non-branded cards. Second rule would be to make sure the card you use is a high rating card with plenty of space. Mirco SD cards have little rating numbers on them, 10, I believe, being the better rating, with no number at all the equivalent of a 1 rating. Third, and most important rule of thumb though, is to BITE THE BULLET so to speak, and invest in a card that is supported by GoPro themselves. One of the BIGGEST reasons for lost or corrupt recording is due to Cheap, Bad, Incorrect SD cards. So for you Snakeeyes75, it would be one of the following; I know people like to save a few quid... but you'll be kicking yourself when you lose a full weekends worth of footage (as i have done) across three different cards. It's just not worth chancing someone elses opinion just because they've never had any trouble with a certain card, especially when GoPro model and recording settings all come into play. My first post, and my two cent's from 3 years GoPro-ing experience. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  45. When you look at it logically you have a toy that is considerably less powerful than most airguns that don't have the same hoops as you can walk out to a shop right now and buy a semi auto air gun. They have the hoops purely because it looks like something more dangerous and its for airsoft and not another similar hobby like paintball. That doesn't really make any logical sense, a gun that is dangerous you can just buy but something that can't remotely kill someone requires proof you intend to use it in the appropriate places? These laws and the application of them wasn't really about actually making things safer, it was about being seen to do something. Its easy enough to make the argument that any reasonable skirmisher should be able to meet these requirements yearly and a new player doesn't have to wait very long at all. Just joining a rifle club with a police check can take 6-8 weeks these days so its not like 2 months is out of the question for an industry run scheme. The hoop however distorts the retail market. Either making rental guns far more important and lucrative than they would otherwise be and causing the sale of a lot of two tone weapons as temporary replacements. You could argue the current system is very much advantageous to the retailers because they often get to sell two guns purely because of UKARA and how they interpreted the law. I don't think its a really arduous hoops, its mostly impacting on new people coming into the hobby and making it more expensive for them to do so by about £100 where I am (either the gun is ~£100 or rental at £30 a game). Having to lump down rental money for 2 months or buy a beginners two tone isn't awful but its also increasing revenue to the airsoft stores and sites. Then what wolfarmouries does is allow you to buy a RIF from them and they will bring it along to any game you prebook, so you can avoid the rentals and still use your gun in games. That is great, its also a wonderful way to ensure all players at Bunker 51 have to buy their gun from them, helping to make them much cheaper overall than their competitors even if they are charge more for the gun itself. That is just another little application of the implications of this minor hoop that makes stores that run sites and run a similar scheme get to increase their yearly sales a little even if they are more expensive than the others. Its not that the hoops are really bad, I don't think its reasonable to argue against the 2 month minimum or the 3 game yearly limit they are in my mind perfectly reasonable measures. But we also have to recognise that some sites charge for getting the UKARA form stamped for a yearly membership to their site as well, just another way in which UKARA is used. We do have to recognise it distorts the retail and site market and its being used to fleece us of more cash, and puts a barrier in the way for new players who are disadvantaged by it.
    1 point
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