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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/14 in all areas

  1. Derlux

    G&G Firehawk

    It's a decent brand that should deliver you some quality Good first gun! What Monty said, those are the options to increase your FPS Spring will make the biggest change. And I gotta say, I have never seen someone with a Firehawk, and it looks good! It's a unique one to me
    1 point
  2. Looking them up, the MK23 is 245mm long The H&K USP is 173-240mm long (P45 match is the 240mm one so a massive 5mm shorter than the MK23 ) Desert Eagle is around 270mm long So no, the MK23 isn't as big as a Deagle but it's in the same ballpark. If you can find a decent holster than really the Mk23 should be relatively easy to draw as they are quite light. Obviously it would be easier to draw a glock etc. The cheaper Mk23's do tend to need the silencer for performance at any significant range so it you are going to rely on it as an emergency backup then the TM version would be advisable. The cheap Mk23's (ASG/HFC) are never going to be as good as the TM one. If you are looking for a quiet pistol for CQB or a sniper backup and don't want to spend a lot of money however they are very decent pistols. Mine cost me £45 and gets me more kills relative to the length of time it's in my hand than any other gun.
    1 point
  3. MK23 is bigger than the USP. Even the grip is bigger, the trigger is further away from the grip, etc. Comparing to the Desert Eagle:
    1 point
  4. I'll just chip in to say if you're getting an AEG, you don't need a pistol, there are more important things worth picking up. They're useful if you play CQB and I find I use mine a lot (when it works) as it's faster to switch to it than reload my shotty.
    1 point
  5. Don't bother yet. Spend the money on boots, eye protection, mesh 1/2 face mask, a spare battery for your AEG, a good charger, mid cap mags, and a sling.
    1 point
  6. jcheeseright

    Goat Simulator

    Yeah, I think I'll hold out for game of the year edition.
    1 point
  7. Others! AK and high caps is the only way to play when there are 1000 enemy players lol. Realism can fuck off for the weekend.
    1 point
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