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which is better

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Range wise, the Super 90. Fun wise, easily the M500. Have owned both and used both, each has its own pros and cons. Put it this way, the only shotgun I have left is the M500, out of 3 shotties.


Super 90

Pros: Light, spring (just keeps going!), good range, manueverable

Cons: Ammo capacity - need shells that are becoming hard to find at a decent price, plastic construction



Pros: Shot spread, loudness, metal construction, ammo capacity, will keep going if you treat it right

Cons: Leaks if not kept gassed, fragile stock charging arms, needs constant attention

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m500 so for storage you have to leave small amount of gas in it?


Yep. Abbey maintainance gas is your best bet, higher silicone content so it will keep those seals fresh.

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