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The Complex

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It's called 'The Complex' and the first full day event is pencilled in for Sun 11th Sept, and will be in standard open day format


It's the site of the former Clariant Works in Horsforth, Leeds and it's huge. It's an old industrial complex with many buildings, roads, walls, wooded and grassy areas, just about everything you could want. For safety reasons some areas and buildings are off limits but the rest is all ours and will make for some excellent scenarios.


The site is due to be demolished in 12 months or so and we've got it until then.


We'll be aiming this site at the more experienced/serious players and running mainly MilSim and Themed events there after the initial Open day, the site is however (due to site owners requirements) limited to over 16's who are full club members.


Currently there are 2 hire places left, but these are only open to people who've hired with us before and 23 walk on places, which will be going pretty fast.


To book, please see Booking Link and for what pictures are available see: General tread about the site

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