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BUYER BEWARE - Rules of engagement

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Don't touch Rules of engagement with a barge pole if you have any sense. I bought a two tone from there and once I got ukara reg sorted I removed the paint(after checking it legal to do so with ukara)and found the back of the stock cracked and glued back together and sprayed over. A really sneaky and s****y thing to do. By the time I found this out the 30 day return had expired! If you do buy from them read the small print very carefully as it states they can sell a display item(possibly fondled/used without giving notice)and state that battery and charger are a free gift even tho other retailers say they come as part of the package from the manufacturers. You might want to use paypal too for extra protection for yourself. It could have all been a mistake but seriously, what would you think? Send them an e-mail about a problem and you will helpfully be advised to read their terms and conditions, end of go away. Rant over, I just don't want to see anyone else experiencing this as i'm sure it would be enough to put people new to airsoft right off.

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cheers for heads up, no one wants to buy a broken gun.

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