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Does anyone know any VFC techs down in cornwall

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I have a Umarex/VFC G28 wanted to get it upgraded/tuned. Where would be best to send this. 

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Yeah, I'm considering keeping it after all this, I just love how it looks. I want it to perform nearly as well as my vsr but don't know how to make it better or what to change. 

29 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

I'm confused... Is that the G28 you're valuing to sell from this thread, which has already been upgraded?




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29 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

I'm confused... Is that the G28 you're valuing to sell from this thread, which has already been upgraded?



I don't know if I've done the right upgrades to get performance, just want to get the best performance I can out of it, so want everything checked over and evaluated by a professional tech. 

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