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I'm in the market for a new pair of tactical boots. Does anyone have any good recommendations? MAX about £100.


I've been looking at the 5.11 atac 8 inch, but anyone with some good suggestions please shout out.




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Ebay, "army surplus boots gore tex", £35 delivered.


Designed for exactly the purpose required, fully waterproof, I can't think why you'd spend more or wear anything else.


Caveat, my last pair wore through the soles after just 2000 days use for every activity from office wear to biking to hill walking in peat bogs in lashing Highland snowstorms, so if your budget is less than £7 a year you'll have to look elsewhere. ;)

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Meindl are good. 


Magnum are good. 


I own both but also wear Gortex Merrell outdoor ankle boots too. 


My brother loves his Converse ones. 




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Adidas GSG9.2 or 9.3


I wear them for work and they are awesome. Lightweight - feel like trainers - but comfortable and hardwearing. Mine have lasted 3 years and only just needing to get a new pair.

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