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Free gun database

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No thank you.  I can easily keep track of my guns and kit without providing unknown third parties with personal information or exposure on social media.


I expect any member here would want to know a lot more about you and this database.

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Well everything started when I bought for second time the same barrel for one of my guns, and felt ..stupid. Then I started to keep the changes in xls and one day a friend asked me why you don't built a database. I am a programmer so I did it and thought why not to share it with fellow airsofters. All are private per user and you can share the gun if you want on fb under your profile... I am just sharing, nothing else


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Not a bad idea depending on your implementation of course. As for personal information If anyone thinks all their information isnt already all over the internet then I have news for you. Identity theft online is more about luck these days than any real effort to protect yourself barring the obvious.

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On 06/11/2017 at 7:36 PM, Jedi_Master said:

No thank you.  I can easily keep track of my guns and kit without providing unknown third parties with personal information or exposure on social media.


I expect any member here would want to know a lot more about you and this database.

If this guy is good enough at programming to develop this site I'm pretty sure he knows how to create a password encryption system. Besides, as Solar said 


4 hours ago, Solar said:

As for personal information If anyone thinks all their information isnt already all over the internet then I have news for you



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