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new airsofter scotland

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hello everyone 


Started playing two months ago when i asked a friend if he wanted to try it out, and got hooked straight away. i also love taking things apart and improving them so i may ask a few questions if i cant find what im looking for in relation to teching . At the moment i know my first mods will be internal based on the gun im aiming to buy :) one more game and that'll be me, cant wait. 


thanks in advance for the help 

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No rush to upgrade the hardware. Buy something that works well and play with it until you wear something out. If you have your own rif playing is cheap so you can then save to newer and better.

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :). Enjoy the tech side of the hobby if you like tinkering, plenty to spend disposable income on in the search of improvement. Alternately, spend more on the gun and save the hassle of upgrades.  Either way, play with it a while before replacing anything.  There are some experienced members who can give useful advice on the tech side of the hobby, and you can search existing topics for information as well (3 character minimum length search).

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hello mate, welcome to the forum, im sure your enjoy it here.. :)

thats also one thing i like about this hobby/sport is the tinkering and upgrading side of things, i nearly enjoy that as much as the shooting side..


happy shooting.

ATB, Marc..

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