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AirsoftBuddy - find airsofters around you

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This idea came from CanErdogan in this topic: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/33307-lets-go-together/


And so, airsoftbuddy.co.uk has born and now is in beta.

This means not all the planned functionality is there yet. You are being invited to test what is there. So if you find a problem with a function, don't hesitate to send me the details of it. Your BuddyCode, OS, browser and a good description of what happened.

For now, comment it here.

This is just testing. Please be aware that sometimes the page will not be available, accounts or data will be deleted from time to time.

One thing to look for apart from the bugs is how easy is to understand what's happening. I would be very grateful if you fix my English.

Thank you for your help!




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It looks really good. Can we add locations or icons for the airsoft sites? All the ones that are on the forms are out of date. Would be nice to see what sites are local

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It looks really good. Can we add locations or icons for the airsoft sites? All the ones that are on the forms are out of date. Would be nice to see what sites are local


That is more difficult that one would think. Who manages the site's info? How do I check if it's not fake, to give it a bad name? How do I keep it up to date?

The slowly progressing https://airsoftnation.co.uk/map/ will have a map of sites, managed by the site owners. If that ends up being good, I will try to talk to Graham (creator of AN) if I could fetch the sites data from him.


Also there is a functionality planned that would probably end up showing sites too in a crowd managed way.

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That is more difficult that one would think. Who manages the site's info? How do I check if it's not fake, to give it a bad name? How do I keep it up to date?

The slowly progressing https://airsoftnation.co.uk/map/ will have a map of sites, managed by the site owners. If that ends up being good, I will try to talk to Graham (creator of AN) if I could fetch the sites data from him.


Also there is a functionality planned that would probably end up showing sites too in a crowd managed way.

Yeah that would be good i just noticed its the same sort of function on the map at pokemon go. Didnt know if that sort of theme of sites and etc could be added. Ut i guess that could be a little too much

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I signed up. Looks neat, and could be a great tool for softers.

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I've been having a look around and it looks quite good so far.


I do feel like others, Having skirmish sites on there, There are other sites which do have a list of all the sites with other info about them. If it is possible then to put on the site a check box for that site so if a player ticks it then it shows a list of other players who have registered and ticked that site.

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What's Grindr?

A tool for adjusting your barrel length...

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What's Grindr?



A tool for adjusting your barrel length...




It's usually used for temporary extensions.

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If you're going to use HTML5 attributes, you might want to declare the doctype correctly ;)


Also you may as well drop the support for IE8 and below, anyone still using it needs to be corrected anyway, IE8 reached end of life on 12 January 2016.

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If you're going to use HTML5 attributes, you might want to declare the doctype correctly ;)


Also you may as well drop the support for IE8 and below, anyone still using it needs to be corrected anyway, IE8 reached end of life on 12 January 2016.


...but I can't install these brand new IE programs on my main computer. always important to make a site as accessible as possible

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Its a good idea.


I often see people wanting to play milsims but as they are few and far between, there is often large distances involved between game and player and vehicle sharing could be good.


Could we have a key or different colour code or just fields to show players game of interest e.g. CQB, woodland, Milsim, etc


Ive advertised this on the Milsim UK News and Events group on Facebook to give it some airplay in that direction.


Im also a fan of showing site locations on the map. Doesnt have to be too detailed, just a name and location would be useful so that you can see the geographical relationship between players and sites.

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...but I can't install these brand new IE programs on my main computer. always important to make a site as accessible as possible


Stop using IE then?!

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If you're going to use HTML5 attributes, you might want to declare the doctype correctly ;)

Thanks for checking it. It started as html5 but that got lost somehow on the way. :)


Would make sense to have a on site private messaging system,

That would open a can of worms I really don't want. Not on a technical side, I have created a PM and a chat system before, but because of legal and moral problems. So I just decided that AirsoftBuddy will help airsofters to find eachother, but the communication will not be done through it. There are many better channels to do that: email, FB, etc. It would be a redundant thing to implement.



Could we have a key or different colour code or just fields to show players game of interest e.g. CQB, woodland, Milsim, etc


That's a good idea, cheers.



Showing sites is a much needed feature, I'll figure out a good way to do it.


Thanks everyone for your help with this.

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Last night I tried to change my password from the forgotten pw link an the form kept stating that the two values were different. This worked today on the normal change password page but not sure if they're different - worth a check.

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