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Yeah I've seen all the first two series'.


I heard there was a third that had started but I've not looked into it yet.


Good website that by the way, I watch everything on it lol.

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What's not to like about it :P especially from Scott's point of view (anyone who has seen it will know)

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I finished watching the first season last night. VERY GOOD! But watching the first episode of the second I was a little disappointed. I dont like it when main characters swap out season by season. But I will watch the rest anyways.

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First series was made by different people, second and third are made by someone else, but keep the same main characters

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First series was made by different people, second and third are made by someone else, but keep the same main characters


I thinkt he first season was based on a book? The rest were just made because it was popular? I've still yet to finish the first episode of season 2. So much work to do :(

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Yeh more or less :P the first series loosely follows the strikeback novel, then he decided he'd let a script writer make a series from the name.

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I thinkt he first season was based on a book? The rest were just made because it was popular? I've still yet to finish the first episode of season 2. So much work to do :(


the first season was based on the book from Chris Ryan great book.



season 1 was done by british tv makers and the following 2 and 3 seasons are done by americans

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched both series 1 and 2 series 3 finishes recording this week that way I can watch them all in one go...

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