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UK Airsoft Players Union (UKAPU)

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We are proud to announce the launch of the United Kingdom Airsoft Players Union (UKAPU), an association dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the Airsoft Skirmishing hobby.

UKAPU has been formed by a small dedicated group of Airsoft players from around the UK to represent and support you, the Player and alongside UKASGB and UKARA present a unified front to the British authorities and press, whilst providing our members with exclusive additional benefits.

Membership application will be available from the 24th April 2010, and for those who prefer to do things in person we will be visiting various sites around the UK over the coming months.

To apply for membership, find out more about us or to see which events we will be attending please visit our website at www.ukapu.org.uk

or you can email [email protected]


Our website has a comprehensive FAQ section, but you will almost certainly have further questions and comments for us. We would ask that instead of posting your questions in the thread below you register on the UKAPU forum and ask them there. This will prevent us answering the same questions multiple times for each forum, and sets an important precedent; If forum users like yourself were to now view UKAPU officials answering questions on this forum, they will come to expect all questions levelled at UKAPU on here to be answered. We honestly don't have the time to trawl all the forums looking for your questions and UKAPU discussions. Feel free to discuss us below but please dont think us rude or disinterested when we do not get involved.


Just pop on to www.ukapu.org.uk/forum and ask away in the 'public UKAPU discussion' section where we will be more than happy to chat with you. Feel very free to cut and paste our answers back on this thread.


Matt Furey-King

Chairman, United Kingdom Airsoft Players Union

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