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Photos from the field

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some nice pics in here, good to see what others have and wear as well


now, back to page 1 and catch up! :)

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Found this on my friends Instagram a few weeks ago and thought I’d already posted it but haven’t. Think this was taken back in March/April. My favourite picture.



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I would of played on your side on that day sappysid101. I was In a kzs camo suit.

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Rocking the P90 as arm has re-dislocated a few too many times over the past few months, and still feeling a bit weak for my bigger babe.











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First game with the Bolsheviks @ F&O RAF Yatesbury. Really, really good site. Anyway we got a team photo and I thought I'd post it here.



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One of me from yesterday at Apocalypse Airsoft - & for those keen eyed individuals, yes, I had forgotten to take the cover off of my Red Dot sight at this stage!!



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A few photos from the Armourgeddon Airsoft - Vehicle Day


Why the switching back and forth between the AK and the LMG (M60, 240?)

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Why the switching back and forth between the AK and the LMG (M60, 240?)


It's the M60 MK43 MOD 1 and well, because I enjoy using them both so just swapped about during the day.


Usually when I head to a skirmish I have 2-3 rifles with me


This next line I dont mean in a pissy way at all FYI - but your question is like saying you have an AK, why have you bought another rifle? (although TBF my other half does say this)

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It's the M60 MK43 MOD 1 and well, because I enjoy using them both so just swapped about during the day.

Usually when I head to a skirmish I have 2-3 rifles with me


This next line I dont mean in a pissy way at all FYI - but your question is like saying you have an AK, why have you bought another rifle? (although TBF my other half does say this)

Not prissy at all :). It's a valid argument. And one that I mostly follow. I only ever have 2 primaries; sure, I may buy another gun (I mean, I have 5 primaries, 3 more for parts, and am building a 6th), but most of those are for sale, and one is my UK primary (I'm U.S. based after all). Same with pistols; I have a glock as the gun I carry on the field, my M&P because I'm evaluating it for use by a firearms school, and my revolver as a tribune to my greatx2 grandfather, who used and loved his, and passed it on to me. But in terms of guns I take to the field - max 3. But I completely understand people who bring tons.

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Picture of my self and some of my section at the Bolsh bash 4, Midlands Airsoft Warfare, Melton Mowbray. All in polite green men loadouts. In total we had about 20 polite green men on the day.


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