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I35 M festival

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Anybody up for the I35 M festival? to spectate the cost is £25 for 4 days or £10 each day, to bring your computer a ticket will cost you £80,


Dates are 31 OCT - 3rd November


The M festival is basically a massive gaming festival involving Intel, PC world, all major brands and such like.


Also including major teams like Team 3D and digitnas and games like Cod4.


Airsoft IS a service they offer but prices start at £12, this is a 1 hr 30 session involving 2 teams of 8. Quad biking and other things are included but i haven't looked the prices over.


I think it could be as great chance to scope out all the call of duty 4 pro players and have a great time.


The only downsite being its £12 for 1 hr 30 minutes of airsoft. so if we did airsoft everyday it would be £48 for 6 hours airsoft,

Transport will have to be coach or we can see if anyone one who is going M festival can give us a lift if he / she is passing by, i will ask on the forums if anybody is interested in going, we will probally have to pay petrol / diesel money aswell.


So anybody who is going or interested drop a line.



£25 for 4 days :(

Petrol money - £30 - estimate* :huh:

£48 for 6 hours Airsoft :o

Food and drink - £20 - estimate* :lol:

Anything else is up to you such as T-shirts games etc ;)



£123 - £150 to be safe. :mellow:


Anybody have that type of money :unsure:


Whos up for a game of urban?

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Im gunna go I36 with my PC I think then I will have lots of money then and maybe a car =P


If not Top_Dog37 will have a car and he can come pick me up lol =P because i do everything for him =P


He knows it :P so yea I36 all the way ^_^

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Im gunna go I36 with my PC I think then I will have lots of money then and maybe a car =P


because i do everything for him =P


He knows it :P


is that so....


Yeh I36 all the way, im gonna spectate this one unless there giving away PC seats dead cheap...

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is that so....


Yeh I36 all the way, im gonna spectate this one unless there giving away PC seats dead cheap...


Hey whats up?


Im heading to i35, in fact thats where i got the address for this furom. I have never been airsofting before but i've always had an interest.


So how many are heading to lan then?



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Nice to see you found these forums, we're only just starting up but if your interested in Airsoft this is deffinately the place to be :)


I'm not sure many of us are going to I35 - hope you have an awesome time there though.


Feel free to check out all the other parts of the forum btw.

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I'm interested but it seems a bit expensive to do the airsoft but it'd be cool none the less



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