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  • Guns
    JG MP5A4
    CA M15A4
    AA L85A2
    WE L96A1
    TM M92F
    UHC .357
  • Loadouts
    Phantom Plate Carrier
    Cargo Pants
    A T-Shirt...

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  1. Hexagon mesh. Very cheap, isn't visible in picture, and will stop a bb. Just tape some over the lens and it's all good.
  2. You mean the 200,000 people who stopped claiming the day it was announced disability claims would now be tested?
  3. You can thank the Labour Party and their self-diagnosing policy... it's not whether some one is disabled, it's whether they think they're disabled (and want a bigger paycheck )
  4. People criticising the Jeremy Kyle show. It performs a valuable service... reminding the rest of us how un-f*cked up we are. Responsibility in general. The weather. I'm one angry man...
  5. People who don't know that printers make black by mixing other colours, so they need cyan to do black... People who try and pin the blame on religion when the real problems are the religious leaders who endlessly abuse their power. Lack of money. The Labour Party. Nick Clegg. People who go on strike about pensions. Having been woken up before midday... The list goes on
  6. Meh to be honest I've come close to necroposting on quite a few occasions - the time stamp isn't the most obvious, and when you're new to the forums you just don't really notice it... I don't know what software the forum's running etc., but if possible auto - closing classifieds threads with no posts for a month might be a good idea.
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