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PTS CM4 ERG (Electric Recoil Gun)

PTS CM4 ERG (Electric Recoil Gun)


  • Price £350
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Used PTS CM4 C4-10 ERG w/ 4 ERG mid cap mags and an unbranded ACOG 4x magnifier for £350 posted+fees included, I'm open to offers / No trades


The gun uses KWA's recoil system and features a decently strong kickback from firing on semi/full. After shooting both a TM NGRS and this gun, the ERG is definitely stronger than a TM Recoil Shock imo.


Also features the use of a magazine cutoff feature with the proprietary mags that are included, preventing you from firing the gun once you're out of BBs. The use of normal non KWA magazines is fine however the magazine cutoff feature won't work.


The only upgrades I've done to the gun is changing out the stock hop up bucking with a Guarder clear hop as per the suggestion on the ERG owners group on Facebook, the bucking needs worked in as I only just swapped it in so I'll include the original bucking incase you want to use that instead.


Shoots 330fps / 0.20g bbs



PM me if you have any questions








  • Make
  • Model
    CM4 ERG
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    ACOG, 4 Mags, Stock iron sights.

Hamilton, Glasgow - United Kingdom

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