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SSG1 with Leviathan v2 mosfet

SSG1 with Leviathan v2 mosfet


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£240 Collected from Bristol or £250 posted

Selling the following:

SSG1 with a leviathan v2 mosfet (controlled from phone to allow you to control precocking, changing firemodes etc)

3 mags 1 being the original G&G mag that comes with the gun other 2 being unbranded 140 rounders

A 7.4 1300mAh LiPo

the original g&g mosfet (nothing to do with it so just thought id throw it in)

and lastly the panthlet and trigger which came with the levi v2 (again nothing to do with it so thought id just throw it in)

Anymore info/photos/videos etc just shoot me a message and ill be happy to provide!


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