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S&T M320A1 + 40Mike Nade

S&T M320A1 + 40Mike Nade


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Well, I was going to invest in a tag setup, but alas that's not going to happen and seeing as I don't really use this.... I've decided to sell.


As you can see I krylon painted it to match my G&G 416, so the Krylon will come off with a bit of scrubbing/washing.  Works perfectly and throwing in a Airsoft Innovations 40mike nade too. (Tip best used during warmer weather as greengas nades not work so well in the cold)


Wanted to keep it for TAG, but thought it would be better to go to someone who either has a Tag setup or wants a quality launcher.


Asking £170 all in..inc Postage.  Paypal only please.


***The pic with the launcher & G&G 416 is for reference only so you can see what it looks like on a rifle...Fitted on my G&G perfectly.  On my TM SopMod, had to use a bit of tape on the rail to make it secure...every gun's lower rail seems to be a little different.  The G&G is not for sale....




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