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UKAPU Annual General Meeting

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The 2010 United Kingdom Airsoft Players Union Annual General Meeting will be held on the evening of Saturday 20th November 2010 at Manor Farm in Worcester. In the same manner as every constituted association, at the AGM we will elect our officers, review the accounts, hear reports, set the subscription fee and discuss any matters which have been brought forward by members.All members are encouraged to attend and of course non members can still sign up if they wish to come along, we may not have time to verify your full membership if you leave it much longer but you can still attend as a probationary member.


Members should now consider if they wish to nominate themselves for a role and let the Secretary know 45 days ahead of time (9th October). There are always official positions available for motivated members. Executive committee positions are, of course, available to any full member and they will have the same opportunity to form the 2010/2011 committee as the current committee members have.


Postal voting forms will be dispatched to all members in time to return them for the 20th. The exact timings and directions are to be posted on our website nearer the date. The 2009/2010 committee will be out for a few drinks afterwards and everyone is welcome to join us.


As always our policy is to not reply to forum posts, so any questions posted in this thread won’t be answered by us, sorry. This is to prevent an untenable situation for the association where we become heavily engaged in forum conversations which would take our time away from doing our job. However if you would like to PM or email your questions or comments to me, or use our forum, then queries become massively more easy for us to manage. I’ll get straight back to you and you can share the answers you receive in any way you see fit. We’ve decided to take the (for us) unusual route of posting information about our AGM here and on other forums because we are concerned that our engagement with forum using airsoft players has been poor thus far, and the AGM strikes us a positive thing to report on as airsoft players have never had the opportunity to attend one before this. This post is our way of trying to build a positive relationship; we really want to work with you guys. UKAPU want nothing else than to stick up for you players and defend this brilliant hobby.


Thanks for reading,

Matt Furey-King,

Chairman United Kingdom Airsoft Players Union

[email protected]


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